Learn how to build DerpFest from source for your device
mkdir derpfest
cd derpfest
repo init -u https://github.com/DerpFest-AOSP/manifest.git -b 12.1
repo sync -c --force-sync --optimized-fetch --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --prune -j$(nproc --all)
We suggest using Lineage device sources as they are mostly stable and don't require much changes.
The given examples below are for Lineage device sources
Change “lineage“ to “derp” & /”common.mk” to “common_full_phone.mk” for example: $(call inherit-product, vendor/aosip/config/common_full_phone.mk)
Change PRODUCT_NAME value from “lineage_device-codename” for example: ( “lineage_tissot” ) to derp_device-codename ( i.e, derp_tissot )
Also rename make file name in the AndroidProducts.mk file - open it and change value of ("PRODUCT_MAKEFILES := \ $(LOCAL_DIR)/"(lineage_device-codename.mk”) to ”derp_device-codename.mk”) ( i.e "PRODUCT_MAKEFILES := \ $(LOCAL_DIR)/derp_tissot.mk )
It is necessary to clean up any specific files from LineageOS as these features depend on LOS SDK which won’t be available on DerpFest and will results in build failures. e.g: Lineage Trust HAL
From the root of your device tree/Common device tree rename the following folders/files from lineage to derp: lineage-overlays
# Trust HAL
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch derp_device-user
mka derp
Reference for this guide is taken from Arrow OS Blog
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